Whether you’re working from home or getting back in the real world, it’s completely normal if you’re not quite like your normal self, and it’s also quite normal if your skin has been impacted by it.
Be that as it may, we know it’s not fun, and it can remind you of your acne-prone teenage years, while some women who’ve never experienced problematic skin may be having issues for the very first time.
In this article, we’re going to take a quick second to talk about how stress and sadness can impact our skin, and what we can do to break that cycle.
How Sad Feelings Lead to Sad Skin
Cortisol, also known as “the stress hormone,” is a hormone the body needs to regulate metabolism, immunity, and blood sugar levels, and it’s key in triggering the fight-or-flight response in times of stress.
But when our bodies undergo frequent periods of stress, cortisol can cause inflammation, which is the primary trigger in eczema, psoriasis, and acne. And in the long run, inflammation in the skin can drastically contribute to the breakdown of collagen, which is one of the main “building blocks” in our skin and keeps it elastic and smooth. And this is one of the reasons why stress is so widely associated with rapid aging.
On top of that, sadness can contribute to aging, as well, as it is true that frowning a lot can lead to a higher chance of frown lines, and long-term depression can even prevent skin cell turnover, which can turn to puffy, baggy eyes and dull, irritable skin.
How to Rehab Sad & Stressed-Out Skin
If any of this resonates with you, you’re not alone. Over 10 million adults in the United States suffer from some form of stress-induced skin troubles.
And even better news: it’s not beyond your control.
Self-care is a phrase that’s commonly thrown around a lot these days, but we’re talking about those acts that serve no one but yourself. And while this may sound selfish, it’s really a practice that can help you feel better refreshed and equipped to be there for the people you care about.
And self-care includes a solid skincare routine; one that gives the hydration you need, while supplying antioxidants to help fight the pollution exposed to your skin.
Moreover, having a time set aside at the end of the day just to take care of your skin can be highly therapeutic, and can contribute to promoting a sense of calm in the evening hours.
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay
Even the most effective skincare products aren’t going to reach their full potential when you’re under constant stress. That’s why it’s important to find the source of your stress so that you can learn how to manage it.
This is something that may take some time, and it may be worth looking into with the help of a professional, but it really is something that can improve the quality of your skin and your overall outlook.
As you explore how to take care of your stress levels, make sure to find the things in your day that promote feelings of positivity and warmth, and not feelings of anxiety or sadness.
As a final note, remember that it’s okay to not be okay. This means that you’re not expected to love your skin 24/7, and you shouldn’t feel like you have to hide your stress or feelings of being overwhelmed, please reach out to someone you feel safe talking to. There are also many free support services that will help.
In a world where everything is about high performance and high productivity, it can feel like relaxation is something that takes work and fosters a sense of competition, which is rather counterintuitive. Knowing when you’re not feeling your best is a huge step in healing yourself, switch off the devices & take time for yourself so you can emerge stronger than ever.